Holiday Fundraising Campaign: Give Harlem Kids the Best Gift Ever

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Help The O’Gorman Garden provide scholarships for 6+ Harlem kids from low-income families to attend our very special early education program. Please contribute to our Holiday Fundraising Campaign going on right now!


This holiday season – as we celebrate and give thanks for all we have – we ask for your support for our very special early education program, because education and opportunity are the greatest gifts of all.


A contribution to The Ned O’Gorman Scholarship Fund directly supports the annual tuition of children whose families cannot afford to send them to The O’Gorman Garden otherwise.   Currently, 50%+ of our students attend school on scholarship.

Children supported through the  Ned O’Gorman Scholarship Fund receive exceptional education in phonics, math, foreign languages – as well as art, yoga, science, and animal husbandry and gardening.

The O’Gorman Garden’s wonderful team provides a nurturing, creative strong educational start for children from low-income households.

Your gift will go a long way to paving a promising future for NYC’s newest generation!

** If you prefer to contribute by check, mail it to The O’Gorman Garden School, 23 West 129th Street, New York, NY 10027

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